You can file this post under "advanced", because until you have years of solid experience under your belt dealing with women, and understanding their moods on the fly, you will do horrible at trying to implement this strategy. This one is for real players only, who can instantly recognize where a woman is at on the emotional spectrum. This post is going to clear up a lot of the confusion about negging women.
In The Venusian Arts Handbook, I believe Mystery states that you should neg the hottest girls really hard, and to not neg the cute or average girls at all. Although he is right about a lot of things in his handbook, I disagree with his looks-based negging strategy. One of the insights that I had over the weekend, was that it has NOTHING to do with how hot the girl is; it has to do with her mood, or wherever she is at on the emotional spectrum.
You already know that I do mostly direct game on women who seem to be bored or standing around doing nothing. You also know that I STRONGLY advise against negging these girls. You don't need to neg them, and you might just piss them off. It doesn't matter how hot these girls are.
Now let's look at the girls that are having the time of their lives, dancing, and being really loud and animated. You can tease these girls, and it will work to your advantage. Nine times out of ten, you're going to get away with it. But why is this? Why is it that this works on one type of girl, and not the other, yet have nothing to do with her physical appearances?
Over the years, what I've slowly come to notice, is that no matter what a girl looks like if she is in a sad or neutral state, if you neg her, she will HATE you, and not in a good way. Chances are, it's going to repel her, and you're going to lose her. But if she is in a happy high energy mood, you can tease her all you want, it will grab her attention in a good way, and actually attract her to you. In principle, you are doing the same exact thing, yet getting completely opposite results.
Getting back to the part where it doesn't matter what the girl looks like. Think about a hot girl that is in a loud bar on a busy night getting all kinds of attention. If you neg or tease her, you will grab her attention immediately. Now take that same girl, and place her in a quiet bar where she most likely won't be as energetic and not getting as much attention. If you neg or tease her, she will immediately turn her attention away from you.
As you can see, a woman's mood/emotional level is the true determinant of if you should neg/tease her or not, and not her actual level of physical attractiveness. When she is not in the greatest mood and not having a lot of fun, she wants your attention and doesn't want you to tease her. However, if she is on an emotional high, and having a lot of fun, it's almost as if she wants you to tease her and bring her down a notch. There is an equalizing process--based purely on her mood or energy level--that needs to take place in order to maintain her attention.
The above explains why you can go direct with a hot girl one night and have great success, and then on another night, it seems as though it isn't working on another. The same goes for if you tease or neg a hot girl one night and have great success, and then on another night, it seems as though another hot girl is ready to rip your head off.
Go out and try this. Pick out a bored hot girl, neg or tease her and see how she responds. And then pick out another bored hot girl, and go strictly direct, not teasing or negging her at all. I guarantee you that in the second scenario, your set goes much better than the first scenario. Now pick out a high energy hot girl that looks like she is having a blast, neg or tease her and see how she responds. And then pick out another high energy hot girl that looks like she is having a blast, and go strictly direct, not teasing or negging at all. I guarantee that this time, the first scenario goes much better than it does in the second scenario.
You will see that I am absolutely right on this, and the issue of whether you should tease/neg or not has absolutely nothing to do with a woman's looks, and it has everything to do with a woman's mood (look for the clues that she's expressing). If you feel like you are experienced enough, this is one of the most useful bits of knowledge that you can start applying to your game.